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Egg - Martina Scarpelli

Martina Scarpelli & Marie Paccou

Martina Scarpelli’s Egg, the story of a young woman’s struggle with anorexia, won the 2019 TRICKY WOMEN/TRICKY REALITIES Audience Award and no less than 40 other awards around the world. Brilliant, hand-drawn black-and-white animation creates an artificially perfect world – erotic, humorous, brutally honest and deadly serious.

Animowane: Current positions of women animators in Poland

Polish animators have featured strongly at TRICKY WOMEN/TRICKY REALITIES for many years. The exhibition presents original material from a variety of current productions. Sketches, story boards, drawings, paintings and cut-out objects let us glimpse behind the scenes and show how stories are ‘brought to life’ through ‘animare’ of individual images.

Tricky Women - International Animation Filmfestival Vienna