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Tricky Women/Tricky Realities 2022 - March 9-13


Feminist, diverse, passionate: Since 2001, Tricky Women/Tricky Realities has been committed to make animated films made by women* visible. This orientation is unique in the international festival landscape.

From March 9 to 13, 2022, we celebrate the radiance and courage of animated films made by women*. This year, the festival will take place in a hybrid form, with film programs, lectures and artists:talks in the cinema, as well as online on our festival platform. Prizes worth 21,000 euros will be awarded in the competition programs (International Competition, Up&Coming), including for the first time the Maria Lassnig Golden Film Reel, worth 10,000 euros. 

All Tricky Women/Tricky Realities awards:

  • Maria Lassnig Golden Film Reel, worth 10,000 euros, sponsored by the Maria Lassnig Foundation
  • Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Award, worth 4,000 euros, sponsored by VdFS (Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden)
  • 3-month scholarship to live and work under the Artist-in-Residence program at Q21/MQ
  • Grand Post Award, a post production voucher worth 2,000 euros, sponsored by The Grand Post – Audio & Picture Post Production
  • Sabine & Nicolai Sawczynski Audience Award, worth 1,000 euros
  • Up & Coming Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Award
  • Up & Coming Audience Award
  • Hubert-Sielecki-Award for an Austrian Animation
  • Austrian Panorama Audience Award

The full festival program will go online on February 22.
Stay tuned!


Tricky Women - International Animation Filmfestival Vienna