Tricky Women@IndieAnifest Seoul, 13.-18.9.2018

Abuelas, Afarin Eghbal

Beach Flags, Sarah Saidan

A Bird In A Cage, Lauren Orme

My Father´s Room, Nari Jang
Tricky Women curated two programs for the Indie-AniFest - "Secret Desire - Issues of Gender and Sexuality" and "Awakening und Changing", which will be presented by Festival Directress Waltraud Grausgruber; moreover Waltraud will be a member of the jury as well.
Secret Desire - Issues of Gender and Sexuality (Sept 15th, 11am, Cinema 3 + Sept 16th, 7.45pm ART 1)
Achill, Gudrun Krebitz, DE/AT 2012, 9´00
Real excitement is always somewhat out of the focus, unfortunately. All joy lies in a blind rush and fleeting glance. That´s why I´ve never had my eyes lasered.
Centrefold, Ellie Land, UK 2012, 9´13
Is labiaplasty anti-female „pornification“ or an empowering personal choice?
If I were a man / Si j´étais un home, Mathilde Reumont, BE 2012, 5´05
Spontaneous interviews with various women on the question “If I were a man”.
Zu zahm! | Too Tame!, Rebecca Blöcher, DE 2017, 6´41
Seven protagonists, stuck inside the box, are trapped in their clichés and their recurring daily routine. Their individuality is only an apparent one, because their autonomy can be taken away far too easily – even if they gamble with their lives. But the show must go on and the money is rolling in. Applause!
Cipka / Pussy, Renata Gasiorowska, PL 2016, 8´00
A young girl spends the evening alone at home. She decides to have some sweet solo pleasure session, but not everything goes according to plan. (Special mention & Audience Award Tricky Women 2017)
Uporni duh | Rebellious Essence, Ana Čigon, SI 2017, 5’00
A cat walks into the Ministry for Cat Affairs and requests a passport. All goes well until the female and male cat clerks demand to know the cat’s sex.
Streetcar named Perspire, Joanna Priestley, US 2008, 6´30
A roller coaster ride through the brain fog, flashes, mood swings, depression, pimples and rage of one of life's great transitions.
Futon, Yoriko Mizushiri, JP 2012, 6´
A young woman loses herself in her futon, physically and mentally.
Flawed, Andrea Dorfman, CA 2010, 12´28´´
Serves up a charming, funny and keenly observant look at aesthetic insecurities and the variety of perspectives and opinions surrounding the mass concept of beauty.
Awakening and Changing - Human Rights, Equity and Value (Sept 14th, 5pm, ART + Sept 16th, 12.45 am)
A Bird in a Cage, Lauren Orme, UK 2015, 19´30
Uncovers the forgotten story of Lady Rhondda, one of these fascinating and revolutionary historical figures, whose groundbreaking work for women’s rights during the first half of the 20th Century has largely gone unrecognized until now. Lady Rhondda, otherwise known as Margaret Mackworth, headed the Newport branch of suffragette society the Women’s Social and Political Union, fought for a seat in the House of Lords, went to goal for setting fire to a postbox, became a successful business leader, founded one of the most eminent political and literary magazines of her time.
Beach Flags, Sarah Saidan, FR 2014, 13´00
Vida, a young Iranian lifeguard, is determined to compete in an international competition but the arrival of talented newcomer Sareh threatens to alter her plans.
My Father´s Room, Nari Jang, KR 2016, 8‘16
She was abused by her father during childhood. Since he left, the pain and anger have begun to fade. One day, unexpectedly, she is struck by a revelation about her father's life that casts her feelings about him into confusion.
Radicalized, Klara Swantesson, SE 2006, 7´44
This is an excerpt from the 7 minute long animated documentary about my mother and her so called burnt out syndrome.
Butoyi, Camera-etc. collectif, BE 2013, 10´
Bukuru and Butoyi are twins. Butoyi is a brilliant student. However, while her brothers go to school, she has to help her mom in daily tasks.
Butoyi was written and animated by twelve girls in Burundi who took part in TamTam.Mobile project which empowers young people to speak out on sensitive issues.
Glenn, the great runner, Anna Erlandsson, SE 2004, 3´05
Glenn is a great marathon man, but isn't his wife who should step on the podium? The moral of the story: when a man wins, look for his wife!
Abuelas | Grandmothers, Afarin Eghbal, UK 2011, 9´
In a small apartment in Buenos Aires an old woman eagerly awaits the birth of her grandchild and all the joys of becoming a grandmother. However, she will be forced to wait over 30 years.