Tricky Women 2014 im English Cinema Haydn
RABBITLAND (Ana Nedeljković & Nikola Majdak Jr., RS 2013)
THE KIOSK (Anete Melece, CH/LV 2013)
TREMOLO NON TROPPO (Lucyna Kolendo & Remo Rauscher, AT/PL 2012)
:female - Eine Momentaufnahme, Ausstellung in der Kro Art Contemporary, hier Exponate von Michelle & Uri Kranot
TRUTH HAS FALLEN (Sheila M. Sofian, US 2013)
AYA DE YOPOUGON (Marguerite Abouet & Clément Oubrerie, FR 2013)
TITO ON ICE (Helena Ahonen & Max Andersson, SE/DE 2012)
Tricky Women 2014
- Melissa Silverstein (US), Gründerin des Blogs Women and Hollywood und künstlerische Leiterin des Athena Film Festivals in New York City
- Andrea B. Braidt (AT), Vizerektorin der Akademie der bildenden Künste und Filmwissenschaftlerin
- Isabel Herguera (ES), Filmemacherin
- Großer Tricky Women Preis der Stadt Wien: Ana Nedeljković & Nikola Majdak Jr. (RS) – RABBITLAND
- 3-monatiges Arbeitsstipendium des Artist-in-Residence-Programms im Q21/Museumsquartier: Noah Evron (IL) – UNDERNEATH THE REFUGE
- Synchro Video Film & Video Material Preis: Michelle & Uri Kranot (DK) – HOLLOW LAND
- Hubert Sielecki Preis für eine experimentelle österreichische Animation: Lucyna Kolendo & Remo Rauscher (AT) – TREMOLO NON TROPPO
- Sawczynski Publikumspreis: Anete Melece – KIOSK (CH/LV)
Best Practice
- Eliška Děcká (CZ): Homo Felix
Homo Felix International journal is focusing on contemporary animation-related topics. It also deals with historical heritage and uses theoretical approach.
- Delphine Hermans & Louise-Marie Colon (BE): Camera-Etc’s Collective Works
The collective Camera-etc organizes creative group workshops around the world. They produce short films that are educational as well as socializing projects carried out in schools, local social welfare agencies, neighbourhood associations, NGOs etc. Its work enables participants to find new means of expression. Camera-etc also supports professional creation by producing art house works.
Three collective works (made in different contexts) will be presented:
- Making of BUTOYI, a film about sexual violence made with Burundese girls. They will focus on the method they use to produce a script with people who have no audiovisual culture (some of them had never seen a film in their life).
- Making of THE SHELL, a film made with a group of people with different kind of disabilities.
- Excerpt of MATESO, a film about war and the refugees issue made by Camera-etc animation team.
- Isabel Herguera (ES): The sum of all
A presentation of the creative and production processes behind the animated documentaries Bajo la Almohada (Under the pillow) and Sultana´s Dream. The former film is made in collaboration with a group of children patients of an HIV clinic in Goa. The latter is a collective experience, inspired by Rokeya Hossain’s feminist short story Sultana’s Dream. Sultana’s Dream (work in progress) derives from a series of drawing workshops where different groups of women reinterpret the original tale, evolving into a narrative revealing the common denominator of the woman’s condition in the East and West.
- Michelle Kranot (IL/DK): ANIDOX: LAB Showcase
ANIDOX: LAB is proud to present a selection of projects developed throughout a series of seminars and workshops bringing together documentarians and animation film directors.
With European participants from a broad range of professional backgrounds, the Lab is designed to maximize their artistic capacity and develop their respective projects in new and challenging directions. ANIDOX: LAB is The Animation Workshop’s new animation documentary professional training project.
- Melissa Silverstein (US): Update: New Strategies of Empowerment
The founder and editor of Women & Hollywood, one of the most respected sites for issues related to women and film as well as other areas of pop culture will discuss with members of the Austrian organization FC Gloria.
Austellungen und Spezialprogramme
:female – Eine Momentaufnahme (Kro Art Contemporary)
Was bedeutet es, wenn frau im Pass bei der Auskunft bei „Geschlecht“ das Kreuz bei weiblich einträgt? Welche unterschiedlichen Erwartungen, Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse sind es, die aktuell in den jeweiligen landestypischen Gesellschaftssystemen und Religionen als Faktoren auf ein Leben als Frau einwirken?
Mit Arbeiten von Lucia Dovicakova, H. H. Capor, Ina Loitzl, Michelle & Uri Kranot
Feature Film Länge
Zur diesjährigen Festivalausgabe wurden gleich drei Langfilme präsentiert:
TRUTH HAS FALLEN (Sheila M. Sofian, US 2013), AYA DE YOPOUGON (Marguerite Abouet & Clément Oubrerie, FR 2013) und TITO ON ICE (Helena Ahonen & Max Andersson, SE/DE 2012). Helena Ahonen und Marguerite Abouet waren am Festival anwesend.