Something is cooking: First look at Tricky Women Tricky Realities 2025

Filmstill: Gina Kamentsky's Pinocchio in 70MM, Gina Kamentsky, USA 2024
Only a few weeks to go! From March 5 to 9, 2025, Tricky Women Tricky Realities will once again bring animated films by women and/or genderqueer artists to the big screen. A large part of the film program will also be available online worldwide at our festival platform
Tricky Women Tricky Realities 2025 opens on Wednesday, March 5 at the Gartenbaukino in Vienna. Afterwards, we will present four days packed with courageous, experimental, fun and resistant animation works by women and/or genderqueer artists at the METRO Kinokulturhaus and other venues and event locations in Vienna. Numerous international filmmakers and animation film experts will be guests during the festival. We can't wait to celebrate with you!
The IN PERSON program of Tricky Women Tricky Realities 2025 is dedicated to Gina Kamentsky. The US-American artist is known for her multi-layered, surreal direct-on-film animations. The experimental animation film scene celebrates her work for its lightness, magic and humor. Gina herself describes her experimental animations as "anxious and joyful short films that blast out at twenty-four frames per second searing eyeballs and sending waves of buzz and crackle into the ether". Over her three-decade career Gina has progressed through numerous forms and techniques, including painting, drawing and collaging on film, Rotoscope, Musique concrète, sound collage, stop motion, and pixilation. Gina Kamentsky will present her films in person in Vienna during the festival.
Building bonds, co-inhabiting communities, forming collaborations: One of the festival focuses this year is on celebrating and fostering the power of alliance. A special film program highlights collaborative and solidarity networks as well as artistic, intimate and political complicity from a wide variety of perspectives. The International Forum - Best Practice at the Austrian Film Museum will also focus on collective work processes, alliances and networks in lectures by international experts and filmmakers.
The exhibition Floor plan – attic and 4th floor at Bildraum 07 shows animated films, drawings and installations by Susi Jirkuff. In her works, the Austrian artist combines literary texts, fictional spatial images and urban structures to create new levels of meaning. Jirkuff is particularly interested in the poetic traces, visions and fictions that people leave behind as stories in space.
Stay tuned! The complete festival program of Tricky Women Tricky Realities 2025 will be published on February 19 at