Chinese Ink Painting & Animation Workshop
Mit Jin Yu und Susi Jirkuff

Photo: Jin Yu
2-Day Workshop with Jin Yu (animation artist and professor at the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou) and Susi Jirkuff (visual artist working mainly with film, installation and drawing, teaches animation at UfG, Linz and University of Cologne).
After an introduction and demonstration of Chinese ink painting animation Yu Jin will guide you through her fascinating watercolour and ink painting techniques. The paintings of all participants will be brought together within a short experimental animation.
In cooperation with ZOOM Trickfilmstudio, MQ.
Termine: FR 15.03., 13:30-17:00 und SA 16.03., 10:00-17:00
Kosten: € 140,-
Anmeldung (und Einzahlung) bis 11. März:
Es wird in Teamwork gearbeitet, keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig, Neugierde mitbringen!
In englischer Sprache!